Çanakkale Geçilmez
- Canon PowerShot G7
- 340
- 18 Mart 2023
- Kültürel Miraslarımız Şehir
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Çanakkale zaferi, Vatan topraklarını korumak için şahlanan bir milletin kahramanlık destanıdır...
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ImageWidth Image width | 3648 |
ImageLength Image height | 2048 |
BitsPerSample Number of bits per component | 8 |
PhotometricInterpretation Pixel composition | 2 |
Marka Manufacturer of image input equipment | Canon |
Model Model of image input equipment | Canon PowerShot G7 |
SamplesPerPixel Number of components | 3 |
XResolution Image resolution in width direction | 180 |
YResolution Image resolution in height direction | 180 |
ResolutionUnit Unit of X and Y resolution | 2 |
Software Software used | Adobe Photoshop 22.0 (Windows) |
DateTime File change date and time | 2023:03:18 11:38:46 |
Artist Person who created the image | Picasa |
YCbCrPositioning Y and C positioning | 1 |
ExifTag Exif IFD Pointer | 300 |
ExposureTime Exposure time | 0,004 |
FNumber F number | 4 |
ISOSpeedRatings ISO speed ratings | 80 |
ExifVersion Exif Version | |
DateTimeOriginal Date and time original image was generated | 2008:04:04 18:27:41 |
DateTimeDigitized Date and time image was made digital data | 2008:04:04 18:27:41 |
ComponentsConfiguration Meaning of each component | |
CompressedBitsPerPixel Image compression mode | 5 |
ShutterSpeedValue Shutter speed | 7,96875 |
ApertureValue Aperture | 4 |
ExposureBiasValue Exposure bias | 1 |
MaxApertureValue Maximum lens aperture | 2,96875 |
MeteringMode Metering mode | 2 |
Flash Flash | 16 |
FocalLength Lens focal length | 7,4 |
UserComment User comments | |
SubSecTime DateTime subseconds | 767 |
FlashpixVersion Supported Flashpix version | |
ColorSpace Color space information | 1 |
PixelXDimension Valid image width | 850 |
PixelYDimension Valid image height | 468 |
InteroperabilityTag Interoperability IFD Pointer | 1128 |
FocalPlaneXResolution Focal plane X resolution | 12710,8 |
FocalPlaneYResolution Focal plane Y resolution | 9525,581 |
FocalPlaneResolutionUnit Focal plane resolution unit | 2 |
SensingMethod Sensing method | 2 |
FileSource File source | |
CustomRendered Custom image processing | 0 |
ExposureMode Exposure mode | 2 |
WhiteBalance White balance | 1 |
DigitalZoomRatio Digital zoom ratio | 1 |
SceneCaptureType Scene capture type | 0 |
ImageUniqueID Unique image ID | ce7166942e1d91018c2f90043e1c7ce1 |
Compression Compression scheme | 6 |
XResolution Image resolution in width direction | 72 |
YResolution Image resolution in height direction | 72 |
ResolutionUnit Unit of X and Y resolution | 2 |
JPEGInterchangeFormat Offset to JPEG SOI | 1276 |
JPEGInterchangeFormatLength Bytes of JPEG data | 7844 |
IptcDateCreated | 20080404 |
IptcTimeCreated | 182741+0000 |
IptcByline | Picasa |
Bana göre tüm zamanların en önemli savaşlarından biridir, bu savaşta hayatını hiç düşünmeden bizler için veren isimsiz kahramanları şükranla anıyorum, ellerinize sağlık Seyfi bey.
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Önce Vatanımızın bu kutsal topraklarında canlarını feda eden tüm şehitlerimizi saygı ve minnettarlıkla anıyorum. Onlarla ne kadar gurur duysak azdır. O zor günlerde, zor şartlarda tüm yokluklara rağmen bedenlerini siper ederek bu güzel yurdu bize hediye ettiler. Bunun kıymetini bilmeli ve ülkemize sahip çıkmalıyız. Atatürk'ün gösterdiği yolda yürüyerek, ülkemizi medeni ülkeler seviyesine çıkarmalıyız.