Huzurlu Ortamlar..
- Nikon D500
- Tokina AT-X 116 PRO DX II AF 11-16 mm f/2.8
- 917
- 24 Kasım 2019
- Nehirler & Göller & Şelaleler
Kasım 2019 / BOLU
ImageWidth Image width | 5568 |
ImageLength Image height | 3712 |
BitsPerSample Number of bits per component | 8 |
PhotometricInterpretation Pixel composition | 2 |
Marka Manufacturer of image input equipment | NIKON CORPORATION |
Model Model of image input equipment | NIKON D500 |
Orientation Orientation of image | 1 |
SamplesPerPixel Number of components | 3 |
XResolution Image resolution in width direction | 300 |
YResolution Image resolution in height direction | 300 |
ResolutionUnit Unit of X and Y resolution | 2 |
Software Software used | Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 (Windows) |
DateTime File change date and time | 2019:11:23 20:55:41 |
WhitePoint White point chromaticity | 0,313 |
PrimaryChromaticities Chromaticities of primaries | 0,64 |
YCbCrCoefficients Color space transformation matrix coefficients | 0,299 |
YCbCrPositioning Y and C positioning | 2 |
ExifTag Exif IFD Pointer | 436 |
GPSTag GPSInfo IFD Pointer | 1100 |
ExposureTime Exposure time | 0,002 |
FNumber F number | 9 |
ExposureProgram Exposure program | 3 |
ISOSpeedRatings ISO speed ratings | 100 |
Tag#34864 | 2 |
ExifVersion Exif Version | |
DateTimeOriginal Date and time original image was generated | 2019:11:14 10:30:08 |
DateTimeDigitized Date and time image was made digital data | 2019:11:14 10:30:08 |
ComponentsConfiguration Meaning of each component | |
CompressedBitsPerPixel Image compression mode | 4 |
ShutterSpeedValue Shutter speed | 8,965784 |
ApertureValue Aperture | 6,33985 |
ExposureBiasValue Exposure bias | -0,3333333 |
MaxApertureValue Maximum lens aperture | 3 |
MeteringMode Metering mode | 5 |
LightSource Light source | 10 |
Flash Flash | 0 |
FocalLength Lens focal length | 11 |
UserComment User comments | |
SubSecTime DateTime subseconds | 53 |
SubSecTimeOriginal DateTimeOriginal subseconds | 53 |
SubSecTimeDigitized DateTimeDigitized subseconds | 53 |
FlashpixVersion Supported Flashpix version | |
ColorSpace Color space information | 65535 |
PixelXDimension Valid image width | 5568 |
PixelYDimension Valid image height | 3712 |
SensingMethod Sensing method | 2 |
FileSource File source | |
SceneType Scene type | |
CFAPattern CFA pattern | |
CustomRendered Custom image processing | 0 |
ExposureMode Exposure mode | 0 |
WhiteBalance White balance | 1 |
FocalLengthIn35mmFilm Focal length in 35 mm film | 16 |
SceneCaptureType Scene capture type | 1 |
GainControl Gain control | 0 |
Contrast Contrast | 0 |
Saturation Saturation | 0 |
Sharpness Sharpness | 1 |
SubjectDistanceRange Subject distance range | 0 |
Tag#42240 | 2,2 |
GPSVersionID GPS tag version | |
Compression Compression scheme | 6 |
XResolution Image resolution in width direction | 72 |
YResolution Image resolution in height direction | 72 |
ResolutionUnit Unit of X and Y resolution | 2 |
JPEGInterchangeFormat Offset to JPEG SOI | 1214 |
JPEGInterchangeFormatLength Bytes of JPEG data | 3850 |
IptcCopyrighted | False |
IptcDateCreated | 20191114 |
IptcTimeCreated | 103008 |
IptcImageURL | http://galeri.netfotograf.com |
24 Kasım 2019
Çok cok güzel fotoğraf çekimi olmuş Hulisi Hocam.
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