Sadık Bekçi
- Canon EOS 600D
- Sigma 70-300mm F4-5.6 APO DG MACRO
- 1133
- 4 Aralık 2011
- Kediler - Köpekler
Mıntıkasını korumadaki ciddiyetine, hiddetine bir bakın.
Marka Manufacturer of image input equipment | Canon |
Model Model of image input equipment | Canon EOS 600D |
XResolution Image resolution in width direction | 72 |
YResolution Image resolution in height direction | 72 |
ResolutionUnit Unit of X and Y resolution | 2 |
Software Software used | PhotoScape |
DateTime File change date and time | 2011:11:27 15:10:11 |
Artist Person who created the image | |
YCbCrPositioning Y and C positioning | 2 |
RelatedImageWidth Image width | 5184 |
RelatedImageWidth Image width | 5184 |
RelatedImageLength Image height | 3456 |
RelatedImageLength Image height | 3456 |
Copyright Copyright holder | |
ExifTag Exif IFD Pointer | 555 |
Tag#34864 | 2 |
Tag#34866 | 800 |
CustomRendered Custom image processing | 0 |
ExposureMode Exposure mode | 1 |
WhiteBalance White balance | 0 |
SceneCaptureType Scene capture type | 0 |
ImageUniqueID Unique image ID | 0b54dce1a3b8a79754c787678acbacef |
ImageUniqueID Unique image ID | 0b54dce1a3b8a79754c787678acbacef |
Tag#42032 | hakan |
Tag#42033 | 093063018200 |
Tag#42034 | 70 |
Tag#42036 | 70-300mm |
Tag#42037 | 0000000000 |
ExposureTime Exposure time | 1,333333E-03 |
FNumber F number | 4 |
ExposureProgram Exposure program | 1 |
ISOSpeedRatings ISO speed ratings | 800 |
ExifVersion Exif Version | |
DateTimeOriginal Date and time original image was generated | 2011:11:27 15:10:11 |
DateTimeDigitized Date and time image was made digital data | 2011:11:27 15:10:11 |
ComponentsConfiguration Meaning of each component | |
ShutterSpeedValue Shutter speed | 9,5 |
ApertureValue Aperture | 4 |
ExposureBiasValue Exposure bias | 0 |
MeteringMode Metering mode | 6 |
Flash Flash | 16 |
FocalLength Lens focal length | 70 |
MakerNote Manufacturer notes | |
UserComment User comments | |
SubSecTime DateTime subseconds | 72 |
SubSecTimeOriginal DateTimeOriginal subseconds | 72 |
SubSecTimeDigitized DateTimeDigitized subseconds | 72 |
FlashpixVersion Supported Flashpix version | |
ColorSpace Color space information | 1 |
PixelXDimension Valid image width | 5184 |
PixelYDimension Valid image height | 3456 |
FocalPlaneXResolution Focal plane X resolution | 5728,177 |
FocalPlaneYResolution Focal plane Y resolution | 5808,403 |
FocalPlaneResolutionUnit Focal plane resolution unit | 2 |
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