- Nikon D300
- Tamron SP AF17-50mm F/2.8 XR DiII VC LD Aspherical [IF]
- 1070
- 22 Eylül 2010
- Netfotograf Projesi (Panorama Türkiye)
Bodrum'un sabah güneş doğmadan evvelki panoramik görüntüsü. Solda liman, ve Bodrum Kalesi. Görüntü küçültüldüğü için detay kaybı olabilir. Orijinali nettir.
Orientation Orientation of image | 1 |
XResolution Image resolution in width direction | 300 |
YResolution Image resolution in height direction | 300 |
ResolutionUnit Unit of X and Y resolution | 2 |
Software Software used | ACD Systems Digital Imaging |
DateTime File change date and time | 2010:09:22 00:24:23 |
YCbCrPositioning Y and C positioning | 1 |
ExifTag Exif IFD Pointer | 174 |
DateTimeOriginal Date and time original image was generated | 2010:06:13 06:15:41 |
DateTimeDigitized Date and time image was made digital data | 2010:06:13 06:15:41 |
UserComment User comments | |
SubSecTime DateTime subseconds | 145 |
SubSecTimeOriginal DateTimeOriginal subseconds | 05 |
SubSecTimeDigitized DateTimeDigitized subseconds | 05 |
PixelXDimension Valid image width | 1493 |
PixelYDimension Valid image height | 368 |