ekoin (üye)
İstanbul / Amatör

Facebook’da Ki Fotoğraf Grupları

aralarında şöyle gruplar da var, bilinsin bari.


Tarih: 5 Nisan 2013, 07:02 - İp: 78.***.**9.43
mydesign (üye)
Antalya / Firma

olaylar olaylar vay anasını !


Tarih: 7 Nisan 2013, 07:20 - İp: 94.***.**1.151
aa1230 (üye)
İstanbul / Amatör

golden colored rays, 925 Silver Bracelet and is especially unique since most other sources produce only white-rayed star sapphire. The best specimens are those with sharp stars, and those that were properly oriented to womens clothing maximize chatoyancy. Like all sapphire, star sapphire is extremely durable and it is one of the hardest materials known to man, second only to shoulder bags diamond. Most.


Tarih: 1 Ağustos 2019, 13:00 - İp: 45.***.**7.7
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