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Samsung Gx 20
Samsung GX-20
Mark Peters : January 10th 2008 - 12:00 CET
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SamsungSamsung GX-20 : The Norwegian supplier of Samsung digital cameras, among other things, has some great news to share besides the various new compact camera models; a new digital Samsung DSLR. The new Samsung GX-20 has not officially been launched yet, but according to the information of Aronsen, importer and supplier of Samsung and other brands, the Samsung GX20 is expected to occupy the shop-shelves in March. The Las Vegas Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2008 has only just ended but we are already preparing for the PMA show coming up also in Las Vegas. The official Samsung GX-20 Digital SLR introduction is likely to take place just before the start of this show. For now we have to settle for some scarce data.
Samsung GX-20Samsung GX-20 DSLR - Live View
Unofficial information reveals that the new Samsung GX20 digital SLR camera offers Live View; a function that is becoming more and more popular these days. DSLR manufacturers seem to have quickly adopted Live View from out of the blue and it looks like it is a must for every manufacturer to equip a new DSLR with Live View. Live View mode is offered through the 2.7 inch monitor on the back of the camera. We'll have to be patient a little while longer before being able to get all the details of Live View on the Samsung GX20 but undoubtedly more information will be given soon.
Samsung GX-20 camera - Expectations and Order
The introduction of the Samsung GX-20 is not completely unexpected; it is more or less obvious Samsung would come out with a new DSLR. Still, we keep hearing rumours about Samsung being a 'sleeping giant' and once awake could change the order in the DSLR market completely. So far nothing has happened to prove that but with the little information about the new Samsung GX-20 we received today, Samsung are taking their chance to connect to the dominating DSLR brands on today's DSLR market.
Samsung GX-20 features
- 14.6 Megapixel resolution
- CMOS image sensor
- Optical image stabilizer (image sensor shift system)
- High quality housing
- Dustproof and waterproof
- 2,7-inch LCD monitor
- Live View
- Maximum ISO 3200
Samsung DSLR camera - PMA 2008
The next period will be very interesting. We are preparing for long working hours in the next few weeks since it will be extremely busy. The CES show unexpectedly revealed many compact cameras but the time before and after the PMA will be the most interesting time to us. You can expect a lot of compact camera news and on top of that DSLR news. The year 2008 looks like it's going to be the year of the digital SLR camera. Samsung seem to have lifted a corner of the veil through the Norwegian supplier, unintentionally or not… The Samsung GX-20 promises to be an interesting DSLR, all we have to do now is wait for the full and official specifications. To be continued!
zamzoncular için iyi haber
Letsgodigital‘dan edindiğim ancak resmi olmayan bilgilere göre, Samsung GX-10′un devamı olacak bir üst modeli GX-20 yoldaymış. CES 2008′de bir takım Kompakt makina duyuran Samsung’un yine Las Vegas’da düzenlenecek olan (31 Ocak - 2 Şubat) PMA fuarında 14.6 Megapıksel GX-20′yi duyurabileceği tahmin ediliyor. Pentax K20D ve K200D gibi henüz resmi bir bilgi yok. k20d ve gx20 muhtemelen aynı olur.
Samsung GX-10 ve GX-20 (Pentax K10D ve K20D) makinalarda dikkatimi çeken en önemli unsur 22-bit Analog Digital Dönüştürücü(ADC) kullanılmış olması. Bunun anlamı ADC giriş gerilimini, 2 üzeri 22 seviyeye bölmek demek(korkunç kuvanta adımı). Böyle bir kameranın "dinamic rainge" inin çok yüksek olası demek. Yani renk tonlarının fazla ve görüntü gürültüsünün çok düşük olması demek. Acaba öyle mi? Şu anda Canon ve Nikon profesyonel kameralarında 14-bit değerine yeni çıktılar. Dolayısı ile 22-bit ADC tam olarak görev yapıyor mu? şüphelerim var. Umarım bilgisi olanlar yanıtlar.
#onuraltan' tarafından 26.01.2008 14:45:22 tarihinde düzenlendi.
#onuraltan' tarafından 26.01.2008 14:46:14 tarihinde düzenlendi.
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