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D7000 Hotpixel
d7000 almayı düşünüyorum uzun zamandır. internette araştırdığımda hotpixel sorunu olduğunu öğrendim, daha sonrada bunun çözüldüğüyle ilgili şeyler okudum ama yine de emin olamıyorum. bu konu hakkında son durum nedir acaba?
NIKON fanatıklerinden MANSUROV UN ozelikle d800 konusunda yazısını okumanızı öneririm. mANSUROV GENELDE nikonun modellerini över eğer bu adamda sorun var diyorsa yeni modeller autofocus sorunludur, çünki fanatiklik dercesinde nikonu tutar genelde...LUTFEN AŞAĞIDAKİ SAYFAYA BAKIN..
''I have been shooting with Nikon gear for the last 6 years and this is the first time I am seeing really badly calibrated DSLRs (D800E and D4), along with some pro lenses. I can understand when there is a problem with an entry-level camera and a kit lens, but it is unacceptable for Nikon to ship faulty professional equipment that is worth thousands of dollars.''
'' the Nikon DSLR autofocus problems real and should you be concerned? Yes, these problems are real and you should definitely be concerned if you are buying ANY DSLR with a phase detect sensor (most mirrorless cameras are excluded from most of these issues). So this means that the upcoming articles are not just for Nikon users, but for anyone who owns a DSLR or is considering to own one soon.''
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